Darts: a game where participants compete with one another by throwing small arrow like devices at a target that is round and has numbers and sections and an inner bull with an outer bull and so on. Darts now refer to the standard game with a specific bristle board design and a set of rules. Rules that are general to the game and rules that govern games like, “501,” “301,” and “Cricket.”

Darts is a traditional pub game that was and is commonly played in the United Kingdom as well as other places in Europe and across the pond here in the America’s.

Wikipedia tells hits history in a terse form, i.e., “The dartboard may have its origins in the cross-section of a tree. An old name for a dartboard is "butt"; the word comes from the French word but, meaning "target". In particular, the Yorkshire and Manchester Log End boards differ from the standard board in that they have no treble, only double and bullseye, the Manchester board being of a smaller diameter, with a playing area of only 25 cm across with double and bull areas measuring just 4 mm. The London Fives board is another variation. This has only 12 equal segments numbered 20, 5, 15, 10, 20, 5, 15, 10, 20, 5, 15, 10 with the doubles and triples being a quarter of an inch wide.”

There have been a variety of darts created over the years but the most common today is the tungsten dart. There are electronic darts but for this blog and for my efforts in tossing darts I remain a steel dart fan and enthusiast. I am recommending a book for novice darters but only because it appealed to me and my studies and rest assured most of the dart books out there are outstanding. In short, find one if this one does not fit your needs and get it. I can tell you when I started to play over twenty years ago, before I laid down my darts in 96, I tossed darts for several years without knowing some very important and critical mechanics, etc., of the dart game. As I take up once again my steel darts I have found a fountain of information to help make the game both enjoyable and competitive. Enjoy, diddle for the middle and let the darts fly!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Datsu Reishiki or Dart Etiquette

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

In martial arts, as in almost every discipline and/or sport, there is a socially driven etiquette one follows to master the art. Reishiki is the term used to describe that etiquette in martial arts practices. Like many aspects of martial arts, reishiki is a part of the fundamental principles that support the entire discipline and are such they span all styles, systems or disciplines - this is true of the dart arts.

In Darts:
  • No Distractions
  • Score before pulling darts.
  • Appreciation for your darts and your opponents.
  • Respect: first and foremost toward yourself; second to all others both players and watchers; and finally toward your darts, the arena and the board.
  • Never a discouraging word.
  • Remain calm, cool, collected and respectful of all.
  • Be prompt, timely; remain ready.
  • Remain emotionally mature.
  • Everything in moderation.
  • Remain of good character and personality at all times.
  • Perform maintenance after each game. 
  • Know the rules, believe the rules, adhere to the rules at all times.
  • If scoring for yourself: score your darts before you pull them.
These rules of dart etiquette should require no explanation but in a world of many cultures and beliefs it is sometimes a necessity to explain a bit to make sure there are no mistakes so the following is a way to provide some hints that will allow all cultures and people of differing beliefs to come to the same conclusions regarding behavior in a dart arena. 
  1. Respect: first and foremost toward yourself; second to all others both players and watchers; and finally toward your darts, the arena and the board.
  2. Manners: firm handshake before and after a match; remain respectfully quiet and keep appropriate distance while one tosses their darts; no distractions of a physical and/or verbal nature; no unnecessary comments or conversation, etc. 
  3. Do not speak to the player who is shooting.
  4. Don't go "ooh" and "aah" with each dart that is thrown.
  5. Wait until all three darts have been thrown to say, "good darts" or "right there".
  6. Do not make sudden movements in front of the shooter. Scorekeepers should remain statue-still while a player is throwing.
  7. If the arena allows, try to always stand behind the shooter outside his or her line of sight.
  8. Spectators should try to keep movement and noise to a minimum while a player is shooting.
  9. No one but the scorekeeper or a teammate should tell the shooter what has been hit.
  10. What has been hit should only be announced if the shooter asks.
  11. No one except a teammate, not even the scorekeeper, should ever tell the player what to hit next.
  12. Clothing: be conservative; wear nothing that would distract or detract from the art, game or sport. 
Here is a meaning of martial arts reishiki and understand, like most things, you can replace references to the culture or the martial arts involved with almost any other discipline such as the “Dart Arts.” 

Reishiki [礼式]

The characters/ideograms mean "etiquette; manners." The first character means, "salute; bow; ceremony; thanks; remuneration," the second character means, "style; ceremony; rite; function; method; system; form; expression."

Reishiki deals with etiquette and manners. The first character/ideogram means, "salute; bow; ceremony; thanks; remuneration," and the second character/ideogram means, "style; ceremony; rite; function; method; system; form; expression."

"Reishiki" which to me means something like "courtesy, consideration, respect, etc." Reishiki is based on respect, restraint, and responsibility...to practice diligently leads to a person who has thoughtfulness, effective self-expression and communication, and a wider range of benign responses leading to tranquility and peace.

To truly understand "reishiki" one must take in fully and completely the customs, courtesies and beliefs of the society that this term is most important, Japan. The etiquette system of Japan and Okinawa is the same as yet different from its source, Chinese etiquette or court etiquette.

"The one life has not form and is empty by nature. If you become attached by any form, you should reject it. If you see an ego, a soul, births, or a death, reject them all." - Bodhidharma 

"Budo begins with proper etiquette, and ends with proper etiquette."

This is the ceremony performed in the dojo. It teaches respect, proper manners, and self-control, it also denotes a period of time that is separate from our everyday lives. This ritual used in opening and closing the training in a dojo sets off a special time. It tells us that the dojo is a place to recognize training and practice not normally considered in everyday life.

It is a code of conduct or ethical standards that train the mind and body of the practitioner so as to impart good judgment and compassion along with skill in the use of karate and kobudo.

Reishiki signals an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust in the dojo so all activities can proceed in safety and with spirit (Kokoro).

Reishiki also provides a feeling of honor within each person certain aspects of practice: to acknowledge the Kamidana, Soke, Sensei and the dojo.

Each reishiki is preceded by mokoso (quit meditation).This is a meditative state or mind set that allows for contemplation of life, death, and respect for the use of karate. It disciplines one's ego, which is of paramount importance.

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